Stupid Boy!

I know A LOT about the housing crisis. That’s not a brag, it’s knowledge bought with years of pain and trauma. I certainly know much more than the current Prime Minister, it seems. Particularly after seeing parts of his interview with Nick Robinson yesterday, it goes a long way to explaining how keeping a roof over one’s head has become such a struggle in Britain. Sunak’s genius idea for stopping people from haemorrhaging up to half their income on housing is to… knock a tiny amount of buying a first house. Erm, well done Rishi! Man of the people nails it again. If by ‘nailing it’ you mean crucifying a generation of young people.

Of course, it is hardly surprising that a man who is richer than the king has no concept of the ignorance he displays when it comes to the struggles of normal people and even Sunak’s first flat was paid for by a loan from his parents rather than a mortgage. It is impossible for someone that removed to comprehend the reality of Britain’s housing crisis. So let me try and explain a few things to Rishi and any other fool who cannot read the writing on the wall for the state of housing in the UK right now. Firstly, for your stupid neo liberal system to function, not everyone can be filthy rich as it relies on exploitation of human labour to function, and here’s a shocker for you Rishi, not everyone can be or even wants to be. You have said yourself, Sunak, you are ‘the numbers guy’ and it may come as a bit of a surprise to you that the world is populated by human beings, not numbers. Your system, as has been demonstrated for at least the last forty years, doesn’t work.

Not everyone can or even wants to spend years saving for a deposit to buy their home and with rents as high as they are, even those that want to, can’t save up enough for a deposit. The supply of housing is too limited. Even a financial dunce like myself was taught basic economies of scale; the more scarce something is, the higher the cost and since Thatcher introduced the ‘right to buy’ scheme, no one can save up for a deposit while living in, cheaper, social housing because they no longer exist and the private rental sector just extorts more and more money from those that need a roof over their heads meaning that getting on the property ladder becomes impossible.

And your solution Mr Sunak? Another piddling tax cut… For a clever person, you are really dumb.

Not only are you dumb but I suspect you are sociopathic too.

In this world that you inhabit, where are the old, the sick and the vulnerable? Free market economics just see people like that as expendable don’t they? Someone like myself should just crawl under a rock and die. There is another, much more simple word for what you are, isn’t there Rishi? You are evil! As are the rest of your party. It’s okay though, you will have plenty of time to reflect on this when you are sitting in your Malibu mansion come July; perhaps you could spend a bit of time on self improvement between counting your millions. I sincerely doubt you will though as I get the impression that between your expensive schooling and massive ego, you already think you are perfect.

Oh! and if you have a few hours to spare (you certainly have the money) , you could always read up on the Housing Crisis in my book, Roof Less. Available here.