Ears in the rain.

Did that happen? Did the Prime Minister of Britain just announce a General while getting rained on and being in danger of having is voice drowned out by the Labour Party’s 1997 victory song? Surely not? Surely no one that holds the launch codes to our nuclear arsenal could be that inept? It seems so.

I’ve felt numb since I watched this very public and much deserved humiliation. In true autistic fashion, my emotions have locked up because of all the contradictory signals going through my brain. There are the ‘end of the Tory party’ thoughts, the ‘perhaps the persecution of the poor and vulnerable will stop’ thoughts and even the ‘will the labour party be just as bad?’ thoughts jamming up against each other and competing for attention.

Should I feel happy? After all, in six weeks time I should no longer be a government sponsored target of hate for the next five years… that must count for something? But with that relief comes the realisation of all that I have been through and made to suffer in the last fifteen years, the humiliating ‘medicals’ by failed trainee nurses, doctors, physiotherapists or whatever who were happy to degrade the little skill they learned to pronounce sick people well all day for money. The endless hours of worry as my life became an endless stream of appointments with medical people and advice services and genuine healthcare professionals to get supporting evidence for yet another appeal. I remember the denial amongst the ignorant who couldn’t image the evil that was being done to Britain’s vulnerable and just dismissed the likes of me as mad and paranoid while the bodies piled high (about 600,000 of them apparently) I remember all the keepsakes and precious things that belonged to or were gifts from my dead parents that I had to sell to keep my head above water, knowing I would never get them back and another little piece of them had gone for good.

When you are under attack, all you can think about is avoiding the next assault; it is only when those attacks are halted that you have time to survey the true extent of the damage. My life has been ruined by the Tory party as one service after another that helped the likes of me was cut away, as the social housing stock was depleted, as money was cut, as bills were allowed to rise to extortionate levels and as rents escalated beyond belief. The Tory party has waged a war against the people of Britain and now it looks like that war might finally end and in this war as in many others, I suspect that the instigators will receive little in the way of justice for their many crimes.

As Sunak prepares so pack up and ship out to life as a ‘Tech Bro’ in Silicon Valley, the nearest we will ever get to justice is this, him being rained on and us watching his £2000 suit and £1500 shoes getting ruined as the legend that is activist Steve Bray and Rishi himself causing him humiliation for a couple of minutes on national tv… and that is it! I have suffered more than that trying to just be left to be quiet from a world that was built for the needs of the other 98.5% of the population.

None of these scumbags will suffer a moment of justice. The likes of Truss, Hunt, Kwarteng, Osborne, Gove, Johnson, May, Cameron, Duncan-Smith, Hancock, Zahawi, Mogg, Anderson, Coffey and so many more will never stand in the dock of the Haig or meet the justice of the mob as they richly deserves. None of this vermin will ever feel a moment of discomfort for all the pain, suffering and even death that they wilfully heaped upon other; in fact, they will mostly benefit with lucrative places on company boards and other cushy jobs.

This is our justice, a jug eared, short arsed posh boy looking stupid in the rain… It’s nowhere near enough.